? Enviro-Pest Solutions

Residential Pest Control (Private Properties)

We look after the pest control needs of a number of homes throughout the seasons and the various pest insect and animal problems that the cold and warm weather brings: Wasps in summer and Cluster flies in the autumn, rats, mice and feral pigeons throughout.

We are aware of your customer rights. When you phone us to make your enquiry and place your order for pest service, this is deemed as distance selling and thereby entitles you to a seven (7) day cooling off period, within which you can think about and cancel your order without any obligation.

We, however, are aware that pest enquiries are by their very nature, ones that usually demand immediate attention. So, when we visit your home within this period, (normally on the day of enquiry) we ask you to sign a waiver before work is carried out, to legally authorise us to commence, thereby covering your customer rights.

Contact us as our expertise helps us to help you. Health and safety is paramount when dealing with nuisance pests.